Warehouse management
and Logistics 4.0
In a manufacturing company it’s essential to know accurately the availability and the location of raw materials, equipment, semi-finished and finished products in stock. A correct warehouse management allows to spare time by eliminating the waiting times caused by the lack of material or by material that, although present, is not easy to find. Thanks to the most widespread identification systems (barcode, QR code) and the most sophisticated ones (RFID tags, NFC, beacons, etc.), it’s possible to quickly locate and track any material or resource is there inside the plant. These functions allow to ensure that the resources inside the plant, and related items, can be available in the times and places required.

Jpiano® communicates with these technologies and allows efficient and advanced warehouse management. In particular, it’s possible:
define multiple warehouses internal and external to the company
split the warehouse by logical sections (loading areas, unloading areas, physical location)
define cells for multidimensional mapping
identify materials and containers through eg. barcode, RFID tags, beacons
track every movement of materials, resources and containers
periodically carry out the inventory and manage any adjustments
Jpiano®, beyound to warehouse management, can act in a complementary way by operating on inbound and outbound logistic activities. Considering logistics as a transversal process integrated with production and management activities offers new opportunities to improve operational efficiency and increase the level of service provided to the customer in terms of quality, time and costs. In this perspective, logistics must be involved in the planning, organization and control phases of company activities by constantly communicating with internal departments, customers, distributors, suppliers, sub-suppliers, carriers.

Jpiano® is able to:
schedule shipments on the basis of information relating to deliveries requested by the customer and the progress of production orders
manage the procurement of raw materials and semi-finished products
manage internal movements (production loadings, withdrawals, uses, secondary products, waste and scrap) and external (acceptance, shipment)
check the locations of materials and resources inside the company
in association with the Quality module it is possible to associate control plans in acceptance, in line, in the phase of deposit in the warehouse, sending samples to external laboratories.