State incentives 4.0


with AEC Soluzioni and jpiano® MES

Digitalization and State incentives

The Piano Transizione 4.0 wants to financially support traditional companies that want to digitalize own manufacturing processes.
It’s a great opportunity to improve production, efficiency and the quality of the service offered to customers. Tax incentives are provided for € 23.8 billion.
An important novelty has been introduced in this plan: it’s possible to benefit from tax relief for software 4.0, such as our jpiano® platform, to improve production and logistics processes, without the need to purchase a new machinery. The list of software and intangible assets admitted to the tax relief is available at this address:(Annex B).
The facility, for the purchase of 4.0 software and for machinery is usable through a tax credit that can be used as compensation in three annual installments of the same amount, starting from the year of entry into operation of the assets for investments in capital goods ” ordinary “, or starting from the year of interconnection for tangible and intangible assets 4.0.

With jpiano® it is possible

Improve collaboration between people, even in smart working

Eliminate paper from departments

Obtain complete traceability of materials and processes

Reduce errors and unscheduled waiting

Plan production and logistics activities from the purchase of materials to delivery to the customer

Communicate with plant and machinery

Check the quality of the processes

Train a collaborative robot in real time

We know our business (and yours)

MES systems are our specialty

Long experience in the field of MES software and industrial automation

We follow you throughout the process: from the definition of areas for improvement, to development, to support

New generation software platform able to integrate easily with other software present in the company
We offer a highly competitive specialist service with respect to the market