Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

This website uses  cookies, to make our services simple and efficient. Cookies are short strings of text exchanged between the used browser and the visited website. According to the Law it's possible to store cookies on a device if they are strictly necessary for the correct functioning of the site, for all other cookies is required the explicit consent of the User.

Cookie type

Currently website uses:

  • persistent cookies, that is cookies that once the browser is closed they are not automatically deleted but remain active until a preset expiration date or until the User deletes them;
  • session cookies, that is cookies which, once the browser is closed, are automatically deleted.

The cookies that we use can be classified according to the purpose and they can be subdivided into:

  • technical cookies, or cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the site, they are strictly necessary to facilitate navigation and use. These cookies will therefore always be used and sent, unless the User modifies settings of his browser but in this way he risks to compromise some website features;
  • analytical cookies, or cookies used to collect information relating to the use of the site by Users in order to improve the usability and content proposed. The data collected anonymously on browsing activity and access to the website are sent to Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. to obtain anonymous statistical information such as data on the pages visited, time spent on the site, the means employed by Users to accesse the website. This type of cookie is used on all pages of the site;
  • functional cookies, that is cookies that allow the User to navigate according to a series of selected criteria (such as the language) in order to improve the service;
    social cookies, or cookies resulting from the use of plugins that allow Users to connect to their social account and to share site content through social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, GooglePlus).

AEC Soluzioni Srl hasn't control over the functioning of third-party cookies as they are created by domains external to wesite and subject to a different privacy policy from that adopted on this wesite. If you wish to have more information on the collection and management of your data by these cookies, please refer to the Privacy Policies displayed in the following tables.

Technical cookie list

Name Date Function Domain
PHPSESSID Session Cookies generated by applications based on the PHP language and used to preserve the user's status on the various pages of the website.
ginger-cookie 1 month Cookie used to store which cookies are authorized by the User for the current domain.
wordpress_test_cookie Session Test cookie installed by WordPress to verify that the website accepts cookies.

Functional cookie list

Name Date Function Domain
pll_language 1 year Cookie that allows to memorize the language selected by the user.

Analytical cookie list

Name Date Function Domain
_ga 2 years Cookies used by Google Analytics to register a unique ID and generate statistical data in an anonymous and aggregate form on how the visitor uses the website.

Privacy Policy of Google Inc.
Place data treatment: USA

Opt out of Google Analytics
_gid 1 day
_gali Session
_gat Session Cookies used by Google Analytics to limit the number of requests to its service.

Privacy Policy di Google Inc.
Place data treatment: USA

Opt out of Google Analytics

Third-party cookie list

Name Date Function Domain
1P_JAR 1 month Cookies used by Google Inc. to memorize user preferences and information whenever they use its services such as Google Maps or Re-Captcha codes entered on the website.

Privacy Policy of Google Inc.
Place data treatment: USA
APISID 2 years
HSID 2 years
NID 6 months
SAPISID 2 years
SSID 2 years
CONSENT 20 years Cookies used by Google Inc. to memorize the User consent for Google services.

Privacy Policy of Google Inc.
Place data treatment: USA

SID 2 years Cookies used by Google Maps of Google Inc. to memorize User preferences.

Privacy Policy of Google Inc.
Place data treatment: USA

SIDCC 3 month Cookies used by Google Inc. to protect User data from unauthorized access.

Privacy Policy of Google Inc.
Place data treatment: USA

Social cookie list

Name Date Function Domain
bcookie 1 year Cookies of Linkedin Inc. used to manage the sharing of website content directly on Linkedin via social button or social widget.

Privacy Policy of Linkedin Inc.
Place data treatment: USA

Coockie Policy of Linkedin Inc.
bscookie 1 year
lang Session
lidc 1 day
_ga 2 years Cookies of Twitter Inc. used to manage the sharing of website content directly on Linkedin via social button or social widget.

Privacy Policy of Twitter Inc.
Place data treatment: USA

Coockie Policy of Twitter Inc.
_gid 1 day
guest_id 2 years
personalization_id 2 years
act Session Cookies of Facebook Inc. used to manage the sharing of website content directly on Linkedin via social button or social widget.

Privacy Policy of Facebook Inc.
Place data treatment: USA

Coockie Policy of Facebook Inc.
c_user 3 months
datr 2 years
fr 3 months
pl Session
presence Session
sb 3 months
wd 1 week
xs 3 months
OTZ 1 months Cookies used by Google Inc. to memorize the User consent for Google services.

Privacy Policy of Google Inc.
Place data treatment: USA
GAPS 2 years Cookies used by Google Inc. to memorize the User consent for Google services.

Privacy Policy of Google Inc.
Place data treatment: USA
LSID 2 years

Consent collection procedures

The User consent is collected during his first access to the site through a banner where he can indicate whether to accept voluntarily cookies. To avoid repeating the banner at every access, the site uses ginger_cookie, a technical cookie to remember the User preferences.

Cookie management throught browser configuring

The User can configure his browser to automatically accept or reject all cookies or to receive a warning on the screen of the transmission of each cookie and decide from time to time whether or not to install it on the hard disk. The User must however know that the cookie deactivation may affect the proper functioning of certain website sections. For more information, please visit the specific help page of the navigation browser used:

Rights of Those concerned

Those concerned can contact the Data Controller, AEC Soluzioni Srl in Corso Montevecchio 46, 10129 Torino, to exercise the rights provided for by art. 7 of the Privacy Code and to request an updated list of data processors.