Code of Ethics

We have adopted a code of ethics and incorporated it into the articles of association of AEC Soluzioni srl, with the precise intention of inspiring our behavior, not only to respect laws, regulations, and the articles of association themselves, but also to respect the moral principles that must govern all aspects of civil coexistence, relations between individuals, internal and external to the company, involved in any capacity in the performance of the corporate purpose. The main elements of our code of ethics are reported below.

Honesty – Article 30

Honesty is the fundamental principle for all the activities of AEC Soluzioni srl, its initiatives, its reports, its communications, and constitutes an essential element in organizational management.

The achievement of corporate objectives is also made possible thanks to the collaboration of its administrators, employees, and collaborators in various capacities, whose behavior must always be inspired by principles of honesty, loyalty, seriousness, correctness, and mutual respect.

Work Ethic – Article 31

The collaborators’ wealth of knowledge, experience, intelligence, and culture must be valued and increased, thus contributing to their technical preparation, professional growth and well-being.

Professional development and the management of collaborators are based on the principle of equal opportunities, without any discrimination based on gender, nationality, religion, customs and habits.

All practices of corruption, illegitimate favors, collusive behavior, direct and/or through third parties, aimed at obtaining personal and career advantages for oneself or for others, are absolutely prohibited and will be sanctioned as provided for by the organizational model.

Administrators, employees, and collaborators, in various capacities, refrain from making undue pressure and reject it, adopt initiatives and decisions in maximum transparency, and avoid creating or benefiting from situations of privilege.

Data Confidentiality – Article 33

AEC Soluzioni srl ensures the confidentiality of the information in its possession, compliance with the regulations on the management of personal data, and refrains from seeking confidential data through illegal means.

All information available to the Company is processed in compliance with the confidentiality and privacy of the interested parties. The personnel who, in any capacity, come into possession of information of interest to the company or relating to any stakeholder, must in no way feel authorized to disseminate or use it outside the operational purposes for which it has been authorized by the company management.

Respect for the Person – Article 34

AEC Soluzioni srl promotes respect for the physical and cultural integrity of the person and respect for the relational dimension with others. It promotes all possible actions to ensure working conditions that respect individual dignity and to make work environments increasingly safe.